GymSwym. 100 ejercicios de gimnasia acuatica
30 April 19961er Congreso GymSwim en España
6 February 1997
Title: Gymvasca
Author: Eleonora Vallone
Publisher: Sperling & Kupfer
Pages: 116
Year of Publication: 1996
EAN 9788820022877
Buy on-line: Bookweb.it
DVD: To preview and request video GymVasca Click Here
100 exercises to do comfortably at home (or in a hotel room) in a bathtub.
Easy, the exercises ( dots show the levels) are useful for who wants to keep in shape but does not have time or the ability to go out, and for who is scared to swim. As a matter of fact they help the person to accustom to the water, to strengthen the muscles and to burn calories.
Perfect for water stretching and for those who need to gradually physically recover.
All the exercises have received the name of an animal, a famous person or of an object. It is funny and motivating. Preface from famous professors and authorities in the sports, medical and scientific field.
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