Manuale di GymNuoto
1 January 1989
GymNuoto AcquaGym GymSub
30 November 1995
Title: GymNuoto 100 esercizi per il mare o la piscina
Author: Eleonora Vallone
Publisher: Sperling & Kupfer
Pages: 124
Year of Publication: 13 June 1995
ISBN-13 978-8820020682
Buy on-line: Vai al sito Bookweb.it
100 gymnastic exercises in the water for different levels of swimming which can be done in swimming pool or in the sea, in deep or in low water.
The only instrument used is the Triangle which helps floating and finding the resistance that strengthen and limbers the muscles of the whole body. The book is suited for every age: all the exercises have received a name inspired to an animal, a sport champion, a famous person or to an object so as to remember them better.
The exercises have been created, tried and written by the author: Eleonora Vallone. This method is recognised by the highest authorities in the sports, medical and scientific field.
It also won the special prize Bancarella Sport.
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